
Vojtěch Válka

Jednatel / Vinařství Válka

„Jirka mě pomohl najít správný směr a zorientovat se v otázkách, ve kterých jsem neměl jasno. Jirkův koučink je velice osobní a příjemný a neměl jsem problém s ním řešit jakoukoliv životní otázku. Po několika sezeních jsem měl dostatečně jasno k tomu, abych znal řešení problémů, se kterými jsem za Jirkou přišel. Mohu jeho služby jedině doporučit.“

Zuzana Doleželová

Zaměstnanec / Nadnárodní korporace

"Coaching with Jirka Slovacek helped me to open my eyes more about what do I want to achieve in my present position. He was professional and patient to go deeper and gain trust and respect. Then I was feeling more relaxed to share more things and realize more things by myself. It was slowly getting like a friendly chat about the things related to work and not related to the work but that was also fine. It was a very nice experience that makes me realize some things I have to work on, which I know somehow about, but when the coach is talking about it with me then I saw them clearly in front of me, and then I was more ready to deal with them. We had the last discussion about the Lead position which I am now, so thank you very much for all sessions. It has been really helpful.“